Testimonial 80 - Honey, Jasper, & Smokey
Excellent customer service!! Highly recommend! Mary is very friendly and diligent. I have three cats who were not getting along and two with high anxiety leading to aggression and poor behaviors. One cat regularly urinated and defecated outside the litter box around the house from not feeling safe from the …
Testimonial 60 - Pumpkin
Our cat has had issues with urinating on our shoes / laundry / carpet, etc. off and on for years. After trying all the store bought deterrents in the past with limited success, I decided to purchase Mary’s services when I knew that my cat would be moving and that …
Testimonial 58
Courage, cat owners I’ve always been good with cats: they know I love them and I can usually figure out what they’re trying to tell me. When one of my then 5 ½-year-old male cats began spraying back in November (now 10 months ago), I was stymied. We did everything …
Testimonial 31 - TuPaw and Snoop Catt
Testimonial 31I was desperate when I reached out to Helping Pets Behave. In the 9 years I’ve shared my home with my two cats, TuPaw has destroyed 3 sofas and was increasingly refusing to use the litter box. While I had come to terms that as a cat owner, I …
Testimonial 26 - Topcat and Isabel
Seven years ago my husband and I adopted two wonderful 4 month old kittens. They were beautiful black and white domestic shorthaired brother and sister. They, as kittens, were intertwined together as they slept and we knew that we needed to adopt both of them so as not to split …